Sign up for TMCD on
February 14th,2025!
Sign up for TMYCD on
April 29th,2025!

Capitol Days

Give a voice to your community, meet elected officials, and make a change. Register today and our team will provide training and setup your meeting.

Are you interested in begin a part of Texas Muslim Youth Capitol Day/Texas Muslim Capitol Day but need more information? Go ahead and click on the link below to learn more and see how you and your organization can get involved today.

Are you a Muslim organization, Islamic Center, school, youth group, or any other group and want to bring your community out? We would love to have you. Click here to become an official partner of TMYCD/TMCD.

Texas Muslim Youth Capitol Day/Texas Muslim Capitol Day is an opportunity for Texas Muslims from across the state to visit the Capitol to have their voices heard, meet elected officials, and make positive change. This one-day event includes a rally outside of the Capitol, meetings with elected officials, a prayer, training, and lunch. TMYCD/TMCD brings together hundreds of diverse Muslims from across the state to participate in this program.

Mustafaa Carroll
Executive Director
CAIR-Dallas-Fort Worth
Muslim Capitol Day isn't something that is nice to do but is something we have to do. Our democracy only works when everyone participates. If we don't speak for ourselves and our community then others will do it for us. I hope all Muslims in Texas will participate in this year's capitol day.

Shaimaa Zayan
Operations Manager
Texas Muslim Capitol Day is both a powerful representation and a valuable opportunity. On the one hand, it showcases the diversity yet unity of the Texan Muslims. On the other hand, it is a great opportunity to connect our community members to their representatives and be vocal about issues that matter most to us.

William White
Our voices are powerful and will make a big impact when they are heard. Participating in Capitol Day allows us to stand for justice and overcome hate. Meeting with my elected officials and sharing my community's concerns was empower and uplifting. This is our civic duty.

Sarwat Husain
CAIR-San Antonio
Texas Muslim Capitol Day fights for justice and equality for all, as MLK rightfully said 'Injustice anywhere is threat to justice for all.'